Top 20 News RSS Feeds with image

Here is a curated list of the Top 20 News RSS Feeds with images to follow up...


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How to remove malware from wordpress website for free

One day you discover with horror in your website. Hacked? We will guide you how to remove malware from wordpress website for free. You review the content and find strange links to websites that shouldn't be there... To add insult to injury, your site is listed as dangerous by Google, with the bad image that this implies facing the outside. ¿Now what do I do? You will wonder.


The first reaction will be to experience great stress, stress and haste to solve the problem. In such a situation it is easy to make mistakes and even take hasty actions that may later prove irreversible.

So the main thing is that you stay calm, take a deep breath and carefully follow the following indications:



In this way you will avoid giving a bad image and that both users and search engines detect an unwanted activity. You can do this in two ways: installing the plugin WP Maintenance Mode Or, if you have experience editing code, you can do it manually as follows:

1.1. Create a file in the root where you can call for example "maintenance.php".
1.2. Edit this file you just created and kill it to your liking. To simplify matters, a simple code example would be as follows:

<h1>Estamos realizando tareas de mantenimiento.</h1> 
<h2>Por favor, vuelva a intentarlo más tarde. Disculpe las molestias.</h2> 

1.3. Edit the file functions.php of your WordPress theme and add the following code:

function modo_mantenimiento() {  
    global $pagenow;  
    if ( $pagenow !== 'wp-login.php' && ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) && ! is_admin() ) {  
        header( $_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . ' 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable', true, 503 );  
        header( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' );  
         if ( file_exists(ABSPATH . 'maintenance.php') ) {  
          require_once(ABSPATH . 'maintenance.php');  
add_action( 'wp_loaded', 'maintenance_mode' );

With this we manage to prevent our users from seeing strange things on our website and, on the other hand, we keep intact the ability to access WordPress administration.


The next step is to try to identify the problem. For this you can visit the Google diagnostic website and see if your site is infected with malware. Also, I recommend that you use the free tool of Sucuri.

Surely now you have some more information. With this, plus the symptoms you are experiencing on your website, I recommend that you put yourself in contact your accommodation company to communicate the problem and follow their instructions. This is very important, especially in shared accommodation, as the attack may have affected more than one site. If the technical service leaves a lot to be desired and they are not in the effort to offer you help, consider changing your hosting company at the end of this guide.


Believe it or not, it is usually very common that the equipment we regularly use is the main source of all problems. Make sure you have a good antivirus installed and updated, and performs a full first scan. There are very good solutions in the market like the Antivirus KasperskyPanda Global Protection, etc. It is also good to complement it with specialized tools in the malware detection, how Malwarebytes Anti - Malware.


Fundamental, before making any changes, make a copy of website and database. In this way, you will avoid risks of loss of information if something goes wrong. You leave this copy kept separately.


It is imperative that you change all passwords to prevent attackers from continuing to act on your website:

  • WordPress Access: change the password of all users. Verify that administrator users have not been added who should not be. Delete any user you consider suspicious.
  • Accommodation control panel.
  • FTP.
  • Database.

When modifying the database password, you must immediately edit the file wp - config.php and write the new password, otherwise WordPress will not be able to establish a connection to the database and your site will be inaccessible.

Also, in this same file you must change the security keys. To do this, access the official WordPress security key generator, copy the generated code, and replace it where it corresponds in the file wp - config.php.

Take advantage of the fact that you are editing it to make sure there is nothing strange about it.


We are ready to start cleaning:

6.1. If you use a cache plugin, I recommend that you disable it and limpie the cache, Because if any infected files remain in the cache, it can leave your site infected again.

6.2. Install the plugin WordFence or Anti - Malware Security and Brute - Force Firewall with the aim of performing a check from your website. So you can see which files appear infected, which lines of code have been inserted and where. This is essential if you use your own custom theme.

6.3. Download your topic, which is inside the folder /wp - content/ and go reviewing and editing the files according to the instructions of the security plugin. As a result, you will have your clean theme on your computer. To make sure, you can analyze your topic files with your antivirus and your antimalware tool. If you use a commercial theme, I recommend that you download a clean copy from its official site.

6.4. Enter the section of plugins of your WordPress installation and point to the plugins that you have active and download the most updated versions of them on your team.

Very good. For now we have a clean theme and plugins.

Check the content of your website and search for iframs, rare codes, internal and external links that point to suspicious sites to remove them.

6.5. Now connect via FTP and sort the files by modification date. Pay special attention to the latest modified ones, as they are usually those that contain malicious code. Download the latest version of WordPress from the official site. Unzip the downloaded file into a folder on your computer. Check that structure of folders and files and compare it with the one existing on your server. So you can detect strange files they shouldn't be.

6.6. Sometimes you may find that it is not possible to remove all malicious code. In that case, it is most advisable that you replace the files of your WordPress installation with the WordPress files downloaded from the official site.

  • Delete everything in the root except the folder /wp - content/, the file .htaccess and the file robots.txt, that you will have to check that they do not contain anything strange.
  • In the folder /wp - content/ you will see the following:
    • plugins: You should remove all plugins and insert the new versions that you previously downloaded to your computer.
    • themes: delete all the themes and upload only and exclusively your already clean theme that you have on your computer.
    • uploads: check that there are no .php executable files. If there were, remove them.
    • index.php: Check that it does not contain malicious codes.
  • At this point, upload the WordPress copy you downloaded, regardless of the folder /wp - content/ and the files wp - config.php and .htaccess, that you already have ready on your server.

Check that everything works correctly and, to finish, delete or comment on the function you created at the beginning of the article and so on disable "maintenance mode".

6.7. To finish, access the tools to Google webmasters and request that they review your website. If you don't know how to do it, you can consult the Google help.


You already have your site clean and perfectly operational again. However, to avoid as far as possible that you see yourself in compromised situations again, it is essential that you take the following measures:

7.1. Change the prefix of your database. You can use the plugin Change DB Prefix. Of course, as always, before any major change, make a backup copy of your database.

7.2. Modify the permissions of the files hosted on your server at 755 and the directories at 644. Forget about granting 777 permissions to files or directories. Do not give facilities.

7.3. Generate files index.php empty to prevent directories from being accessible through the browser.

7.4. Check that there is no user "admin", since it is the first to be searched by potential attackers.

7.5. Create a file .htaccess with the following code:

<Files *.php> 
deny from all 

And place it in the / wp - content / uploads folder. This way you will prevent .php files from running inside the folder "uploads", something that many attackers often try.

7.6. Perform periodic backups, both from the website and from the database. And keep it somewhere safe, if possible outside the hosting server.

7.7. Keep updated your WordPress, as well as the theme and plugins you use.

7.8. Delete spam type comments. You can help yourself with plugins like Akismet or Antispam Bee.

7.9. Activate a security plugin as WordfenceAll In One WP Security & Firewall or iThemes Security.

7.10. Always use secure passwords and educate your collaborators on the vital importance of this practice. To make your life easier, you can use this online password generator.

7.11. Apply, as a security supplement, some double authentication factor system as Latch, which we talked about earlier in an article about increase WordPress security with Latch.

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What is RSS and how to add RSS Feed in WordPress

You may think, what is RSS and how to add RSS Feed in wordpress and what will you get from it. RSS stands for "Rich Site Summary" or "Really Simple Syndication", said for you to understand me is a way to offer your updated content to people who want to be aware of your posts without having to continuously enter your website. ¡Be careful, this has nothing to do with email, every time you post something DOES NOT automatically reach subscribers RSS but it is they who decide when they open their reader and see your updates.
Example: You post your wonderful post tonight at 23:30 after a hard day, at that time I am already happily asleep and the next morning, When I wake up at 6 in the morning and open my reader, there I have a notice telling me that you have published something new and giving me the opportunity to read it. ¿Do you follow me?

What do you have to do to have it?

Nothing absolutely. WordPress takes care of everything. By default, create an enriched text file ( that is, nice post text ) that is hidden unless someone searches for it. This file is called feedAnd where is my feed? Well, if you haven't touched anything, you should find it in come on adding /feed after your URL. I already warn you, restless soul, that if you enter that address all you are going to see is a horrible page, full of code but that, luckily, the programs that read the feed, know how to interpret.

Setting up our WordPress widgets

We are going to start from our Desk, in the menu "Aparience" and "Widgets. There we will find precisely the widget page. On the left we will see the available ones and the many elements that we can add to our widgets, while on the right we will see the areas available for it. By dragging and dropping we can configure our widgets quickly and easily. Although depending on the topic we are using, the areas available for widgets that we will have may be different, We are going to do this example in a very common area for most topics. This is the sidebar or sidebar, which in turn depending on the case, will have more or less areas available.

Show an RSS feed in the sidebar widget

On the left side of our widget configuration screen, where the items are available to include, we have one that is precisely called "RSS. On the right, as we said depending on the topic, we will have an area called “Sidebar”. What we will simply do is click on the RSS on the left, drag it and drop it into the Sidebar widget. Now we must configure the widget, for that we will specify:

  • The URL of the feed to display ( generally at the end it has the extension "/ feed" )
  • Title what we will give to the widget
  • Number of entries of the feed that we will show in our widget
  • We choose if we are going to show the content, author and date. We can show some, all or none of them.

To finish we save the changes. You can customize your rss feed even can add new rss feed using WP RSS Aggregator. You can diplay external rss feed in your site in some ways.

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How to disable a wordpress plugin manually

This guide you will learn how to disable a wordpress plugin manually. If you have been kicked out of your WordPress admin area, you will not be able to disable WordPress plugins from your control panel. In such situations, you will have to disable plugins using other methods. The easiest of them is to disable WordPress plugins through FTP or your WordPress hosting file manager.

Basically WordPress looks for the plugins installed in the / folder / wp - contents / plugins /. If you can't find the plugin folder, WordPress will automatically disable all plugins. Instead of removing the folder from the plugin, we will simply rename it. First, you will need to connect to your WordPress site using an FTP client. Once you are logged in, you must navigate to the wp - content folder in your WordPress root directory.

From there, you must right-click the plugin folder and then select "Change Name. A pop-up window will appear in which you must enter a new name for your plugin folder, such as disabled plugins. Your FTP client will now rename the plugin folder. Now you can try logging into your WordPress administration area and visit the plugin page. You will see notifications about disabled WordPress plugins.


The FTP method is certainly simpler in our opinion. However, you can also disable all plugins using phpMyAdmin. First, you will need to log in to your web hosting account panel. Then click on the phpMyAdmin icon in the "Database" section.

This will take you to the phpMyAdmin interface. First, you will need to select your WordPress database from the menu on the left. PhpMyAdmin will now load the tables from your database in the right pane. You must click the 'Browse' button next to the wp_options table ( the name of your WordPress table may differ depending on the prefix of the table in your WordPress database). PhpMyAdmin will now load the data into the options table. You should scroll down to the line where option_name is "active_plugins" and click the "Edit" button next to it.

PhpMyAdmin will open the row to edit it, you must delete the data within the option_value field. After that, click the "Go" button at the bottom to save your changes. Now you can visit their website and WordPress will see that all plugins have been disabled.

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How to Backup a WordPress Site for Free

WordPress is one of the CMS most used in the market today. In this guide you will understand how to backup a wordpress site for free within few click. Making having a backup in our WordPress a must.

If you are looking for a way to back up your WordPress site for free, UpdraftPlus It is definitely one of the most popular and best rated options.

Not only does it allow you to manually back up, but you can also automatically back up your cloud website to your Dropbox or Drive account, as well as easily restore a backup with a few clicks.

At the end of this WordPress tutorial, you will know exactly how to make free WordPress backups with UpdraftPlus.

First steps.

UpdraftPlus is extremely fast and easy to configure. It works by backing up directly to the cloud, including:

  • Dropbox
  • Google Drive
  • Amazon S3
  • RackSpace Cloud
  • DreamObjects
  • OpenStack Swift
  • Upstream vault
  • Email

UpdraftPlus' intuitive interface It will allow you to schedule automatic backups, backup files, databases, plugins and themes, and restore your backups directly from your WordPress control panel as we exemplify in our tutorial.

Install UpdraftPlus

The first thing you should do is open the WordPress panel and select Plugins > Add new plugin

Then you must write "UpdraftPlus" in the search bar, the plugin will appear WordPress UpdraftPlus backup and you just have to click Install now > Activate

Configure UpdraftPlus to make free WordPress backups

Once you have done all the previous steps, we can start with the plugin settings.

Manual backup

UpdraftPlus allows you to do a manual WordPress backup at any time. To do this, simply click the "Back up now."

You can download the manual backup to your local server ( or your hard drive ) or have UpdraftPlus load it automatically in a remote storage location ( we will see below ).

Set up scheduled backups

If you want to do automated backups, you should select the "Settings" tab in the UpdraftPlus restore options.

Then you can choose with what frequency make backups from your database and website files. The time options you can choose are:

  • Every 4, 8 or 12 hours.
  • Daily
  • Weekly, biweekly or monthly.

Here you should be careful when choosing how often you want Updraftplus to back up. It is important to check how often you add content to your website, For example, if you add content weekly, then a weekly backup is probably the best option for your site.

You should also choose how many previous backups you want to save, remember that each backup takes up space where you are going to save it, so we recommend that you keep the last two or three backups so that you do not occupy as much space on your disk or cloud.

When you select the options you want, don't forget to save the changes.

Choose a remote cloud storage location for you to save your backups.

UpdraftPlus integrates with numerous remote storage solutions, so you have a variety of options in backup locations. Select the "Settings" tab again and go down to the bottom to choose your remote cloud storage.

Then click on the tool icon you want to use to save your backups and configure the account to integrate with the plugin. Each tool is configured in a different way, but don't worry, just by following a few simple steps that the tool tells you to do, you will achieve it.

Restore backups

Then we got here. If you make a backup it is because you will surely need, at some point, to restore your website using that backup. Well, this is a simple process that takes only a few minutes and a few clicks of the mouse.

To get started, select the "Existing Safety Copies" tab. Here you can see the backups you have previously made, or you can upload the files of a backup you have saved on your computer.

To restore a backup, load the backup files if you don't have them, and then click "Restore.

The system will then ask you to select which components you want to restore. Among the options you have:

  • Plugins
  • Themes
  • Uploaded files
  • Others
  • Database

The components you choose will depend on your restoration needs. But if you want to restore the entire website, you must select the five options. After that the restoration will begin which will take a few minutes. The restore time will depend on the number of files you have on your backup and the weight of it.

When the restoration is complete, a message will appear indicating that the restoration was successful.


If you are looking to back up a website from WordPress for free, So UpdraftPlus is a must. Its advanced tools and features make it easy to configure and use. And most importantly, it ensures that your website is safe and secure if the worst happens.

Is there another plugin that you would recommend to back up a WordPress site for free? Please share it in our comments section at the bottom.

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How recover a hacked wordpress website

Did you know that around 30,000 websites are hacked every day? In this tutorial we will guide how to recover a hacked wordpress website. One of the biggest fears that WordPress administrators usually have is entering our website and being hacked. This can do us a lot of damage since a major attack could even eliminate the database, thus losing years and years of work. Luckily, this does not usually happen since pirates want our website for other purposes ranging from the theft of personal data, through the sending of emails in a massive way, even the, of course, plant a "flag" so that it is known who has been able to hack the site.

As if that were not enough, the sites developed with WordPress are one of the targets of this type of cybercriminals. The CMS development team prevents this with all its might day after day by launching security updates, but taking into account that a quarter of the Internet websites are implemented with this CMS and that many of them are not updated, we can say that hackers prefer WordPress to other platforms to equip their attacks. Not to mention those administrators who have weak passwords, plugins or outdated themes . Hence our insistence on keeping both WordPress and all its plugins updated.

But it's not all bad news. In most cases it is possible to recover the hacked WordPress and make our website work as it worked before. In this article we explain how to recover a hacked WordPress.

Step 1. What's going on?

The first of all is knowing how hacking has affected our site. This will be super important when we move on to the next step. So, go to your website and write down any relevant information on how it has been affected. Try to answer some of the following questions:

  • Does Google mark your website as potentially dangerous when trying to access it?
  • Can you go backoffice?
  • Is your website ( or any link inside ) redirecting to a third party website?
  • Is there something on your website ( like new links or pop-up ads ) that you haven't put there?

Step 2. Contact your hosting provider

Once you have identified what happens on your website, the next step is to contact your accommodation provider. If the company has a quality support area, it is very likely that they will help you with the problem. Be careful, let them know all the details you wrote down in the previous step so that they can identify where the hack source may be and indicate which files to modify to solve it.. If you're lucky, even they may fix it for you.

If the support area, unfortunately, has not been able to even find a solution to the hacking of your website developed with WordPress, you will have to continue with the next step.

Step 3. Scan your website

If your hosting provider has not provided you with the list of infected files, you must run a complete analysis on your website using a security analysis software like WPScan, Sucuri or WP SCANS.

First of all, update WordPress to the latest version, including themes ( delete the ones you don't use ), the plugins ( remove the ones you don't use ) and the CMS kernel itself. Then follow the instructions in the scanning plugin you have chosen and instruct him to do a full scan of the entire site. This should provide you with a list of all files that have been infected or compromised.

Step 4. Restore a backup or replace files

Once you know which files are infected, it is simply a matter of getting rid of them. The ideal way to do this is to restore a web backup. That is why we always recommend that, if possible, you hire a backup service at your hosting, and then be able to get hold of problems like this.

However, if you don't have a backup, you can replace the infected files yourself. Get clean copies of the theme you are using, plugins and main WordPress files, and replace them with infected files of your FTP. Let's see, it's easier to replace plugins or whole themes, but keep in mind that you can lose their settings if you do.

Step 5. Beware of the guilty

When you see the list of infected files on your site, try to identify which components were affected by the attack. If your theme or plugin allows hacking to enter, they could do it again. That is why you must thoroughly review all the components of your WordPress to verify that they are accredited and updated. In certain cases, it is best to completely eliminate vulnerable components.

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How to Publish articles automatically in WordPress
WordPress has a really cool but hidden feature that allows you to automatically schedule an article. This resource is very useful although many beginners do not know about it. In this article, we are going to see how to program our posts in WordPress so that they are published on the day and time that we need them.

Why include a post calendar in WordPress?

There is a certain time of day when each site receives the most visits. Now, if we live in a different time zone than our readers, then it can be a problem. Let's imagine that we want to schedule the articles so that they are all published at 11:00 in the morning, as this method can be very useful for this. Another situation that can occur is that we can take a few weeks or a month of vacation, but we don't want (as is logical) to abandon our blog. How to fix this problem? Simple, we just need to program our articles in WordPress. This feature allows us to stay active on our website by making articles ahead of time and having them ready to post when needed. We can prepare ourselves for a week of a lot of work ahead in the writing of articles that will be published automatically on the desired day and time.

How to schedule a WordPress post automatically?

Once we have finished writing the post, before we get to publishing we must look at the option on the right, above the publish button where it says “Publish immediately”. Publish articles automatically in WordPressPublish articles automatically in WordPress We performed the steps above in the image and now you can schedule WordPress posts. A constant synchronization is what some users prefer. So if we normally write on the blog at 8:00 in the morning, so that users can read with their morning coffee, the most sensible thing is to continue doing so to avoid loyal users not being able to access the content. If you decide to change the publication times, it is possible that the user will look for another blog to read for his coffee hour.
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Include Facebook conversion pixel in WordPress with and without plugin
Have you ever visited a website and later start seeing its Facebook ads? If so, you have probably wondered how this is done and what advantage it has. The website is using an easy-to-use tool built into Facebook Ads Manager called Facebook Pixel to carry out a type of marketing known as retargeting. Retargeting, also known as remarketing, allows you to show ads to users who are already known to be interesting in your website. Using the Facebook Pixel may retarget your ads to previous visits to the website. To use Facebook Pixel you will have to install a code on your website. This code tells Facebook that someone has visited this page, which allows Facebook to track your traffic, which in turn allows you to target your website's audience on the social network. In this article, we are going to take a look at how to install this code on a WordPress website.

1️⃣ Step 1. Get the Facebook pixel code

Facebook Pixel is part of the Facebook advertising platform. Anyone with a Facebook account has access to this platform. To enter you must be logged into Facebook and select the ad manager. This is located in the top-right dropdown menu with the down arrow under Create Ads. In Facebook Ads Manager select Ads Manager and then pixel. Next, click on the button that says Create a pixel. This will give you the necessary code to place in the header of your web page. You will be prompted to choose a name for the pixel. You can only have one pixel per ad account. Facebook recommends that you choose a name to match your business. Name your pixel according to the terms and hit Create Pixel again. Your Pixel is now ready to install. You have the option to use the code yourself or email someone like a developer to implement it for you. Now select Install Pixel. Copy the JavaScript code to place it on your website. I recommend pasting it into a text editor and saving it to have it handy. 

2️⃣ Step 2. Install the code manually

You can install the code manually or you can add it to a plugin that controls your headers. To manually install the code to your WordPress dashboard select Appearance and then Editor. On the right side of the screen, select the theme header. Find the tag and paste the code just before it. You may have to add a few lines to leave a space. After pasting the code click on Update file and that's it. Your code will run on your WordPress website. Note – If you change themes you will have to add the code for the new theme. An alternative method would be to use a plugin that handles your headers like Header and Footer. Simply place the code in the header scripts and the code is placed in the header. Now if you change themes you no longer have to worry about adding the code to your new header file. In order to improve tracking, you may prefer to use a specific code on posts or pages instead of the entire website. Facebook has code snippets that you can use to track individual pages and events but they are not WordPress friendly. A better option would be to place the code on the pages and posts using a plugin.

3️⃣ Step 3. Facebook conversion pixel in WordPress Plugin

If you only want to place the code on specific pages, posts, and custom post types, you can use a plugin like Facebook Conversion Pixel. With this plugin, you can enable the plugin to work with various posts, pages, and post types including WooCommerce and others. For example, you can enable the product post type and place the code on your checkout page for easy tracking. Once you've installed it and activated the post types you want to use, go to the page or post for that post type. Now a box will appear where the code can be placed. Click on the button to allow the code to work and paste the code into the box. When publishing or updating the page the code will be executed. The advantage of placing the code in a specific post is knowing that visitors have already seen your offer.

4️⃣ Step 4. The use of Facebook Pixel on various websites

You only get one pixel per ad account. That's not a problem if you only use one pixel per website, but what if you want to use it for multiple websites? You can do one of two things: Have more than one ad account. This might work, but you're going to have to deal with multiple logins, multiple tracking stats, and payments, which can be annoying. This is ideal if you have a team and have assigned a different team member to each account. Use the same pixel in all your domains and establish rules to distinguish between them. This is done by creating a custom audience. To create a custom audience go to Facebook Pixel in Ads Manager and select Create Audience. In the “Website Traffic,” dropdown box choose people who visit the specific web pages. This will show you another box where you can add URL keywords. Put your domain name here. In the Audience Name box, type a name for that specific audience. This is a good idea, even if you're just using the code on a website. They can track specific offers on your website and then show a different ad based on the offer they saw on your website.

Conversion tracking

Although the Facebook Pixel tracks website visits rather than conversions, there is a way to track conversions across multiple domains. For this, you will have to create a custom conversion for each domain. Keep in mind though, that only 20 custom conversions are allowed.
  • On Facebook, Pixel Manager selects Create Conversion. In the next window select Custom Conversion Tracking
  • Type in the URL and select the category you want and hit Next.
  • Give it a name and set the conversion value if you like, and then tap Create
 Once you have collected enough data you can target your ads based on conversions.

5️⃣ Step 5. Analysis of your statistics

The pixel allows you to see web traffic, conversion, and optimization tracking and remarketing. You can see traffic by events, URLs, domains, and devices. You can create ads, audiences, conversions, and actions.


Facebook is an excellent platform for building your brand and targeting your audience. You can promote your Facebook posts using ads, but instead of targeting a broad audience which can reduce retargeting, it can be used to get better results for less money. Not only is Facebook pixel a great tool for getting the most out of your Facebook ads, it's also free and easy to use. Even if you're not using Facebook Ads now, you can use analytics and tracking to help you use it later. I would like to know what you think Do you use Facebook Pixel with WordPress? Do you have something to add? Tell us more in the comments.  
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HTTPS and WordPress, is it really important?
The Internet is not a very safe place for confidential chats. There are thousands of prying eyes waiting to plunder our personal information, address, phone number, and credit card information. That's why most companies use the secure HTTP protocol (HTTPS) when processing sensitive tasks. Today we are going to talk about HTTPS. Some Technical Issues HTTP is a protocol used by web servers and clients (browsers) to communicate and transfer web pages and files. There are a bunch of other protocols like FTP, SSH, and BitTorrent. HTTPS is a secure version of the HTTP protocol that uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption. How SSL works in the background requires a bachelor's degree in computer science and a strong understanding of cryptography. All this is very complicated and we just have to keep in mind the following:
In a nutshell, HTTPS uses a set of public and private keys before data transfer. Once the join does this, the connection is established and a secure session begins. When we visit an HTTPS site, all of this happens almost instantly before you see the green light in your browser's address bar. Four reasons why HTTPS is important 1. First-class security: With SSL, the connection is encrypted. A virtual tunnel is created through which only the server and the browser can communicate. No one else can interpret that channel. Even if an attacker accessed that channel, he would not be able to make sense of the encrypted data. You would need the private key which is only known by the browser. 2. Pre-examination: HTTPS requires an SSL certificate and the acquisition of the latter for a company to go through a serious process. It is necessary to have official documents that are presented and verified by the certificate authorizer (CA). Only when the documents pass the validation tests, the SSL certificate is issued. 3. Legitimate Companies: When we visit an SSL secure site, we can be sure of the site's credibility. You can always get the necessary contact details from the owner of the site's SSL certificate. 4. Data Integrity: Data integrity refers to the consistency of the data requested and the actual data received. Consider this example: someone visits your site for a certain entry of server configuration instructions. At the end of the post, we have put an affiliate link. On an unsecured site, an attacker could easily attack the connection and send your visitor the compromised data. In all likelihood, it will replace your affiliate link with a phishing link. Therefore there is a monumental difference between the data requested and the data actually received. The integrity of the data is destroyed. With SSL, none of this is possible! Here's the trick: Establishing a secure connection requires considerable computing power, both by the server and the client. This results in a slower transfer rate when compared to HTTP. That's why most sites don't use HTTPS all the time. These wait until the moment you try to access or make a purchase. E-commerce sites like Amazon and Newegg follow this rule. In this way, browsing is fast and purchases are safe. Good question, but it's not a simple yes or no answer. So let's discuss this in detail. Search engines prefer HTTPS sites (yes) Here's a quote from a recent post on the Google Webmaster Central blog.
  • Over the past few months, we've been running tests looking at whether sites use encrypted and secure connections as a signal in our search for ranking algorithms.
This is not to say that if we don't have HTTPS on our site, the SERP ranking will drop (for now). Most SEOs take this as an early indicator of what the future holds. Many people complain and question Google's decision. Why does everyone have to include HTTPS on their blog? To prevent hackers from reading user comments? Even the Google Webmaster Blog does not use SSL! SSL configuration in WordPress SSL configuration is a complicated and tedious process. It takes technical expertise, a lot of time, and there's a lot of room for error. It is recommended to speak to the host's support team to help get SSL up and running. If we are determined to switch to an HTTPS site, then it is a safe bet to assume that our budget can incorporate the cost of a managed WordPress hosting company.
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How to connect Google Drive with WordPress Media Library

Google Drive offers 15 GB of free cloud storage for all users with a Google account. With new Android phones, people can automatically upload photos to their Google Drive accounts.

Recently for one of our projects, we had the need to connect Google Drive with WordPress. This is possible and there is a plugin to do the job. In this article, we are going to see how to connect Google Drive to our WordPress media library.

First of all, you need to create a public access folder in Google Drive. We enter our Google Drive account and create a new folder. Click on the share icon and on the screen click on the popup where it says Private > Only you can access.

In the next pop-up window, you need to select the public option on the web and click on the Save button.

In the next step, you need to install and activate the Use-your-Drive plugin. After activation, we visit Media > Google Drive Gallery to configure the plugin.

Use-your-Drive is an innovative, easy-to-use, and highly customizable Google Drive plugin for WordPress that beautifully displays your documents, images, and media right on your posts and pages.

It's really easy to display content stored from your Google account on WordPress pages and posts with this plugin – just a few clicks:

  • Link your google account to the plugin with just 1 click.
  • In the WordPress page or post editor, open Use-your-Drive Shortcode Builder and choose a preconfigured mode.
  • Select the Google Drive folder you want to use as the starting point for the files.
  • Simply adjust the shortcode in the Shortcode Builder through intuitive controls and options.
  • Insert the Shortcode and publish it on your page. Ready.

Use-your-Drive is the ultimate #1 WordPress Google Drive plugin on the market and is part of a series of cloud plugins already powering over 10,000 business websites that improve your workflow. Join now and start using your Google Drive account even more efficiently by integrating it with your website.

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