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How to install cyberpanel on ubuntu or centos

Tanvir Hasan
January 29, 2022

Cyberpanel is one of the best control panel nowdays beacuse of its stability and performance. This tutorial we will guide how to install cyberpanel on ubuntu or centos Cyberpanel with litespeed or openlitespeed can beat any other hosting manager. Litespeed tech wants to promote their core features so they offer Cyberpanel for free.

Cyberpanel is build using Django framework and the developer is Usman Nasir. And they are continiuously improving their features and performance. This tutorial we will guide how can you install cyberpanel on ubuntu or centos.

Let's see some features of Cyberpanel first:
*LSCache capability to cache the contents
*GIT support
*Free SSL
*FTP service
*ModSecurity support
*DNS server using PowerDNS
*Postfix and dovecot support
*Command line interface
*Server security with FirewallD and SpamAssassin
*Reaources limitations per website
*MariaDB support for database

*VPS server
*20GB Disk space
*Intel or Amd based cpu
*sudo access

Let's begun the process:

1st run update and upgrade to make sure the server is up to date

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

Then run below commands for ubuntu 20.04:

cd wget -O installer.sh https://cyberpanel.net/install.sh

Then you have to run the script using the following commands and run the installer.sh:

chmod 755 installer.sh

sh installer.sh

For Centos run following commands one after another:

wget https://cyberpanel.net/install.sh

bash install.sh

Now, you have to choose the right options to finish the installation:

CyberPanel Installer

  1. Install CyberPanel.
  2. Addons and Miscellaneous
  3. Exit.

Choose 1 and continue. The next step it will ask about Remote MySQL. CyberPanel needs a MySQL server to work properly, so the article will install CyberPanel Database locally on the same server where CyberPanel is being installed.

CyberPanel will ask you for a password for administration. The default password is 1234567. Your can continue and reset it later or Choose an easy-to-remember password, CyberPanel doesn't require an extremely secure password but it's good to input something harder. Now, install the CyberPanel Memcached plugin, CyberPanel's Memcached implementation is better than the Litespeed implementation. After you have successfully installed CyberPanel on your Ubuntu 20.04 or Centos system, you can now view your server’s IP address on port 8090. It should be https://YourIPAddress:8090. Now your server is ready to host and run websites.

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